Queers in History: Book, App for Android and IOS

Now available in Paperback and Hardcover

Foreword by Sir Ian McKellen

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#1 Best Seller on Amazon: Gay & Lesbian History
20 surprising facts about Famous LGBT+

The ultimate source for the answers to the burning questions:
Who Was Queer?
How do we know?
Why does it matter?

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The most comprehensive encyclopedia of famous LGBT+ — over 900 prominent people from 2450BC to today
Thoroughly researched — the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
Lavishly illustrated, nearly 600 pages, the ultimate  biographical reference— it's a big book!
Indexes by profession, birthplace, and birth year, make this an essential reference.
A bibliography of over 180 books for further reading on the subject

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"Sex Secrets of the Rich and Famous"

How did a Revolutionary War hero end up in Queers In History?

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